This blog is for my future and past info and reviews on various tech stuff….
Phones / Phablets |
Compact cameras |
Various tech stuff |
Reviews |
Resolution and Noise |
Batteries and usage |
PC & Code |
Watches & bands |
Math |
Other stuff |
Newer reviews can be expected to be ongoing projects, with minor additions or corrections.
Note: When I rate stuff, a 10/10 does not indicate perfect in an absolute academic sense, but as in (at least) as good as could be expected at the time, minor flaws allowed. For portable devices typically limited by the size and weight. Value for money also counts. An electronic device that got a high score in 2005, most likely would seem like pure trash ten years later….
- Central entry point on batteriesContinue reading...</p> <p> </p> <p>
(at least this is my intention on how it should end and be used)
It should give info about batteries, how the phone uses them, and (hopefully) with some good hints to how to get the most out of each battery (Life and Stamina). Many of the hints go for other hardware with Li-Ion batteries as well. Say Laptops, Toothbrushes…..
This thread is originated from SonyEricssons Xperia phones.
On problems with weird drops and raises: Try “Johan’s Trick” below once
The currently best advice I can give for the usage pattern is
● Try to charge fully and deplete to about 40-50%bc
● Once in a while drain battery deep to get calibration right
● Keep phone on desk/in bag, avoid pockets, to keep cool.
● Leave phone idle while charging (e.g. while sleeping).
Note that the ‘remaining percentage’ you see is an ESTIMATE not a measurement!
- Ricoh CX3-CX6, ReviewContinue reading...</p> <p> </p> <p>
Review on CX3 variants CX4, CX5 and CX6 are less trifles identical.
A really great camera – in 2010, Still fast and with outstanding macro by 2017 (compacts)
…though a bit boxy and thick (almost 3cm thick).
Macro examples: Dust on a dead flies eyes and subpixels from a QFHD (3840×2160) monitor
- Ricoh CX1, ReviewContinue reading...</p> <p> </p> <p>
Sorry this is Danish only – and text only (almost). For English please try version
Et fantastisk lækkert kamera, omend det er lidt fysisk stort af et kompaktkamera.PROS
- + Hurtigt!
- + Fabelagtig makro (over 4000 DPI!! Ja, kun ti bølgelængder af lys per pixel!!!)
- + Imponerende skærm
- + Rigtig god billedstabilisator
- + 7 x zoom
- + 28mm ækvivalent vidvinkel
- + Mange muligheder for kontrol og indstillinger.
- + Flere slags “Bracket shooting”, hvor der tages en stribe konsekutive billeder med forskellige indstillinger.
- + High-Speed burst-mode. Op til 120 vga-billeder på 1 sekund
- + double-shoot DR mode hvor den tager to billeder med forskelige indstillinger og merger. Godt til fx modlys.
- + Manuelt fokus (BURDE være selvfølge hos alle…)
- + Man har en smule manuel blænder-kontrol
- + Efterbehandling af billeder muligt direkte i kamera, hvid-balance, lys, Kontrast, trim, ‘Skew’
- + Digital zoom kan sættes til at klippe, og IKKE strække billedet.
- + Vaterpas (“level”) til at fortælle om man holder kamera lodret/vandret.
Mulighederne for kontrol og indstillinger inkluderer
- + To komplette set af manuelle indstilling kan gemmes og hentes via ‘programhjul’
- + Knap hvor man kan gemme en af 12 fuktioner man finder interessant.
- + Fire funktioner af elleve kan lægges på ‘menu’ under anden knap.
Der er dog et par ‘torne’ i rosenbusken, men jeg synes ikke de er alvorlige….
CONS- – Autofokus i dårligt lys.
- – zoom, svært at lave lille ændring, lidt vel følsom kontakt.
- – High-Speed burst-mode skriver i nyt cipa format, der ikke rigtigt PT supporteres af noget (endnu?).
- – Video er behandlet som et stedbarn…
- – Ikke nogen stor sensor, så begrænset lysfølsomhed. (Dårligere end de bedste, men ikke ringe)
- – I manuel fokus kunne de godt vise i display hvad fokus afstand er
- – eneste blænde-kontrol er at man kan tvinge den til minimum (for afstanden)
- – eneste lukker-kontrol er at man kan sætte maksimal lukker-tid
- – JPG filer stemples 72 DPI, uanset fokusafstand.
- – Den indbyggede ‘skew’ opretning klipper den nye billede til funden firkant, og smider resten væk. Bug/feature?
- FujiFilm F200EXR, ReviewContinue reading...</p> <p> </p> <p>
Sorry this is Danish only – and (almost) text only. For English please try version
This review is relative to the review of the closely related F60fd
- FujiFilm F60fd, ReviewContinue reading...</p> <p> </p> <p>
Sorry this is text only.
This review is relative to the review of the closely related F50fd
Excellent light-sensitive camera, but rather slow. (Should be called F51fd)
This camera is almost identical to F50fd. See review on this.
It is primarily a firmware upgrade. Probably (?) with quite the same optics, CCD and ISOnly (real) differences
+ Improved AF (Fixed!)
+ Optional 6Mpixel with less hard compression
+ Slightly bigger screen
? Possibly a little better WB
? Possibly better zoom motor
– Poorer ergonomics, due to larger screen
Blog in English (well sort of, bare with me, non-native…), a few earlier than 2010 are just blunt copies of the source texts in Danish – Google translate helps here….
Collecting of old stuff started May 2015. Entries are generally attempted dated with original stamps, even if they are somewhat updated since, several reviews have been ongoing ‘projects’.