I have made a simple test image to test the resolution of your eyes on a phone, phablet, tablet, laptop or PC!
The most common result is it is pointless to go beyond around 1/12000 of the viewing distance
Be SURE it is shown in the screens native resolution. e.g. 960 pixels should fill half a FullHD display. (or use one of the added ones with your screens resolution)
Be SURE that your browser or your windows settings doesn’t do any scaling/zooming/smoothing, i.e. one pixel in the image is one pixel on the display. (If in doubt take a magnifying glass -or macro camera- and look closely on the screen, it should be like the mock-up later in this post)

It is the point where the single line pair is indistinguishable from the double line we are looking for (that is: where it looks like one continuous thick line)
You will most likely find the finest resolution using the red or green figure.
Use any prescribed glasses that you normally would for the distance – we are testing resolution, not focusing ability.
NOTE: If you got a PenTile display, usually the green will do fine! Have a look at this on different subpixel arrangements. Several pixel arrangement exists out there, that could have similar issues…
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