A post on the experiences with different security updates, now on Android 9 PIE.
Pull apk from device
Have you ever wanted to save an old version of an app you got on your phone that is no longer offered by the Android Market in a usable version?
Either to save for later, before replacing with a newer dubious version (e.g. K9 destroyed their good app), or to use on another device.
Android, DISABLE or uninstall bloat on non-rooted devices (Brief)
The big axe for trimming devices for bloat, even un-rooted ones
Brief version!
(image from here)
Continue reading “Android, DISABLE or uninstall bloat on non-rooted devices (Brief)”
Partition backup, unlocked Android phones, through Recovery.
Have you ever wanted to backup entire partitions of your Android phone?
Well it actually is quite easy for an unlocked device – Does NOT need to be rooted.
ADD: This requires the presence of a recovery boot option! E.g. from LineageOS
(The above image is ‘borrowed’ from here)
Continue reading “Partition backup, unlocked Android phones, through Recovery.”
Unihertz Titan Slim, First impression, compared with others
A small compare between Unihertz Titan Slim and some keyboard alternatives.
(2022-08-09, minor additions to original)
Continue reading “Unihertz Titan Slim, First impression, compared with others”
Diagonal to width, simple fractions. Different aspect ratios
Obviously it is easy to calculate the diagonal of e.g. a sensor from the width and height with Pythagoras.
And a bit more tedious the other way round using the aspect ratio. [*]
But for common aspect ratios it is even simpler, 1+1/n fractions within less than 0.4%
Continue reading “Diagonal to width, simple fractions. Different aspect ratios”
F(x)tec & XDA – Pro1-X announced
Cases/shells for the Pro1, DIY experiments
There are no official case(s) for the FxTec Pro1, so I have ordered over a score of cases/shells for various phones of dimensions close the keyboard part…
Ten have arrived, nine Nov 13., and here are the preliminary results, and a flip case fitted
Add Nov 21, two more have arrived, for Huawei P20 Pro and Note 7
Add Dec 28, two more have arrived a week ago, Flip cases for Huawei P20 Pro and they are better (the above image)
Add Jan 23, a little more on a P20 Pro flip, reverting the inner part
Add Apr 1, a better shell case with strengthened corners.
Add Aug 6, a protector for the top half – disabling edge interaction
(Will update if any of the remaining ones proves a better fit)
Continue reading “Cases/shells for the Pro1, DIY experiments”
A little post on keyboard phones, and the few alternatives available
Since BlackBerry-phones are now seeming to come to a complete end (not even licensed devices), the options for keyboard phones are even more sparse.
I guess no one reading the blog is unaware that I go for the Pro1.
But in all fairness there are alternatives.
2020-04-12 Updated with the Astroslide announced for spring 2021.
Continue reading “A little post on keyboard phones, and the few alternatives available”
Opening a tilted slider like the Pro1
Some are having issues in finding out how to open the Pro1 pushing, so here a principal sketch (seen from earpiece end) and a small video
F(x)Tec Pro1 unshifted keyboard, unpacking and compare
I got a real production unit of the F(x)Tec Pro1, in the unshifted (qwertZ) variant on Nov 19. 😀
ADD I’m more than likely to make minor adjustments and additions in the first days/weeks, only altering the “published” stamp Continue reading “F(x)Tec Pro1 unshifted keyboard, unpacking and compare”
Pro1 involuntary drop test
What should not happen happened, I dropped the Pro1 on stones!
The FxTec Pro, QWERTY Slider, final product (almost).
A good thing moved closer to perfection….
I have eagerly been awaiting the Pro1, and have earlier posted a preview of a pre production unit.
ADD: Got the real thing on Nov 19. The unshifted qwertz variant, see this.
Continue reading “The FxTec Pro, QWERTY Slider, final product (almost).”
FxTec Pro¹ / Pro1, 2019 Keyboard-slider phablet. Pre-prod. unit preview.
I got the lucky chance to have a look at the soon to be available FxTec Pro¹
(2019-05-28 Updated with a little N97 Mini compares)
2019-09-28: Update, I tried a “Final Sample” too, see this
Continue reading “FxTec Pro¹ / Pro1, 2019 Keyboard-slider phablet. Pre-prod. unit preview.”
Displays, Diamond PenTile and others
There are several LED layouts in use, but how do they differ and does it matter?
The PRO¹, a modern QWERTY slider…
ADD: See my Preview of an early specimen here
Finally a modern QWERTY slider…
Android, DISABLE or uninstall more bloat on non-rooted S8- on Pie
See this post first!!!
The below is my S8- script for Android 9 Pie
Continue reading “Android, DISABLE or uninstall more bloat on non-rooted S8- on Pie”
Phones&Phablets, Average thumb reach
Fast charging batteries, the good and the bad.
Fast charging of batteries is very convenient, but comes at a price on the overall battery life.
Especially wireless fast charging has bad consequences!!
Continue reading “Fast charging batteries, the good and the bad.”
Amoled and different colours powerconsumption
We all know that the screen eats a lot of power and the brighter the worse.
But it was new to me that blue is so much worse than red and green on Amoled.
And also that even almost zero brightness is rather costly
Continue reading “Amoled and different colours powerconsumption”
Android battery Monitors GSAM and 3C Battery Monitor
I have been using both GSAM and 3C Battery Monitor for many years on Android
Continue reading “Android battery Monitors GSAM and 3C Battery Monitor”
Android, DISABLE or uninstall more bloat on non-rooted devices (here an S8)
When normal uninstall or disable is not available for an app, we DO have a bigger axe for trimming devices, even un-rooted ones
(image from here)
Continue reading “Android, DISABLE or uninstall more bloat on non-rooted devices (here an S8)”
Samsung S8- with a physical keyboard, usage review
A few months ago I bought the keyboard for an S8- And now I bought the phablet for it!
Continue reading “Samsung S8- with a physical keyboard, usage review”
More on hot devices, batteries and charging
I have written several posts regarding batteries directly and indirectly, especially this old one.
But here I tried to summarise and update it.
Continue reading “More on hot devices, batteries and charging”
Alternative phablet keyboard options
I just found out that Samsung offers some click-on keyboard for several of their models. At the least for S8, S8+, Note8, S7, S7edge, Note7, S6edge+ and Note5
UPDATE: Bought an S8 for the keyboard, see this.
It sticks up 3mm above the display, and the protective case adds about 1-2mm to the back and width.
Blackberry Priv, on the heating
The BB Priv is often accused for heating issues. And indeed IF it is used intensively, it WILL heat.
The peak I have in recorded history was 48.5°C eight months ago on 2017-08-13 (on MarshMallow)
BlackBerry Priv, Almost EIGHT days stamina, no tricks, though light usage.
I have previously contradicted the claim that the BB Priv has a poor stamina, but here an even longer run.
This is a collage to contain the almost eight days (7d 20h), as the 3C Battery Monitor app can only show five days.
Continue reading “BlackBerry Priv, Almost EIGHT days stamina, no tricks, though light usage.”
Blackberry Priv mystery update AAW068 finally arrives
I finally got the mystery update AAW068 offered
Continue reading “Blackberry Priv mystery update AAW068 finally arrives”
BlackBerry Priv AT&T Autoloaders, including old for debloating!
If you want to reapply firmware to an AT&T priv that has been debloated, AND keep it debloated, you need a little trickery…
Continue reading “BlackBerry Priv AT&T Autoloaders, including old for debloating!”
BlackBerry Priv, 5¼days stamina, no tricks. Display on 50m/day
The BB Priv has a pretty nice stamina, if it is not too infested with bloat (mine is debloated).
Though some complains that a 3410 mAh battery is too small for a phablet with a 5.4″ QFHD display, it is enough for me.
5¼ days on 96% battery
This is with no trickery of radios off or similar. 4G, WiFi, NFC all turned on. GPS off though. ADD: BT off too.
Continue reading “BlackBerry Priv, 5¼days stamina, no tricks. Display on 50m/day”
Android vs WPD bug. Wrong filesizes reported
I stumbled upon a strange bug in what Android can report to e.g. Windows trough the MTP/WPD interface.
Under some circumstances it reports a VERY wrong file size, but if you by WPD open a stream and copy the file until it sends no more bytes, it returns the correct full content.
Continue reading “Android vs WPD bug. Wrong filesizes reported”
Get new/changed files from WPD-device, e.g. Android. Enhanced version of Christophe Geers’ PortableDevices
I stumbled upon this nice project by Christophe Geers.
And edited and enhanced it to a tool that works a bit like an advanced REPLACE /UPDATE to a tree on the PC based on the name of the device and the drives it exposes.
It is an efficient way to get changed & new files from a device to a PC.
Update: Now supports Exclude also.
It works with a WPD connected device, e.g. an Android device USB-connected in MTP or PTP mode.
Here an example of some of the tree generated
Most backup tools does NOT allow you to do an incremental backup, but they DO allow you to deselect e.g. images. So use this tool to do the incremental backup of the huge WPD-exposed stuff like the images/videos/music, and let your backup tool do backups of all the rest – and in more finite time than a total backup of everything every time – thus making it a bliss to take backups much more often….
Blackberry Priv OTA update of unlocked AT&T – FINALLY! Bonus: DE-bloated!!
After many months of negotiations, BB and AT&T have FINALLY found a solution so the users of AT&T branded devices can get the newest updates without being connected to the AT&T network. 🙂
Continue reading “Blackberry Priv OTA update of unlocked AT&T – FINALLY! Bonus: DE-bloated!!”
Xperia Pro vs. Iphone 6- vs. BB Priv – Physical compares
Here a few photos of my last three phones/phablets. (The Ip6- with a keyboard-case)
SonyEricsson Xperia Pro, aPple Iphone 6-, BlackBerry Priv (and combined)
Continue reading “Xperia Pro vs. Iphone 6- vs. BB Priv – Physical compares”
Blackberry Priv, MarshMallow September security update goes public
The september security updates has gone public – Just installed it.
Goes for both the generic and the AT&T branded one. See
For some reason a simple (non-administrative) dosbox did the trick this time.
New Android 6.0 Aug 5. security updated version available for BB Priv on AT&T and others
A new version AAG145 is released for the Blackberry Priv on AT&T
Android Marshmallow, Note on “Screen overlay detected”
Frustrated on this message, when trying to set/revoke some permissions?
And if the ‘official’ solution does not seem to work at first. You might need a tiny extra step…
Continue reading “Android Marshmallow, Note on “Screen overlay detected””
Android Battery (and more on apps) on Marshmallow
As an addendum to my old general guide on battery performance here, a few things are different in Android Marshmallow.
Continue reading “Android Battery (and more on apps) on Marshmallow”
Blackberry Priv – Bought one after all… (post is likely to become a sort of review)
Well I bought one after all, as it was available including customs and delivery for roughly $400 to Denmark.
The keys ARE tiny, and the device HUGE but I think I might end up finding it a lesser bad compromise that an Iphone+keyboard-case.
Ios Calendar, Various odd observations.
A couple of strange observations on the calendar in Ios
- Search only works within +/- one year from current date
- It is not only year 10000 safe, you can actually scroll way beyond year 100000 🙂
- You can scroll back in time even to BC, though strange bugs appears much before that
- Moving an appointment has some (academic) issues in the date selector
Stand-alone QWERTY keyboards for phones…
In an attempt to get out of the horrible Ios experience, I have ordered a couple of different stand-alone bluetooth keyboards
Thoughts on Blackberry Priv. Initial, before buy.
Phablet with tiny keys: Blackberry Priv.
Continue reading “Thoughts on Blackberry Priv. Initial, before buy.”
Ios 9 – 9.3.1 (+A lot on battery info) First impressions: Same shit with added bugs…
For me the most vital app is the Messaging app for handling SMS/MMS. There is a new version, but ALL the basic flaws are still there (see this) and new have been added, along with new features.
ADD: There are bug fix versions too, see below.
Eye resolution test
I have made a simple test image to test the resolution of your eyes on a phone, phablet, tablet, laptop or PC!
The most common result is it is pointless to go beyond around 1/12000 of the viewing distance
Be SURE it is shown in the screens native resolution. e.g. 960 pixels should fill half a FullHD display. (or use one of the added ones with your screens resolution)
Be SURE that your browser or your windows settings doesn’t do any scaling/zooming/smoothing, i.e. one pixel in the image is one pixel on the display. (If in doubt take a magnifying glass -or macro camera- and look closely on the screen, it should be like the mock-up later in this post)
It is the point where the single line pair is indistinguishable from the double line we are looking for (that is: where it looks like one continuous thick line)
You will most likely find the finest resolution using the red or green figure.
Use any prescribed glasses that you normally would for the distance – we are testing resolution, not focusing ability.
NOTE: If you got a PenTile display, usually the green will do fine! Have a look at this on different subpixel arrangements. Several pixel arrangement exists out there, that could have similar issues…
Principal ideas for smarter image sensor technology
Currently the limitation in the amount of photons that can be caught versus the noise, set a limit for the dynamic range.
But what if the sensor output could not be over saturated?
Continue reading “Principal ideas for smarter image sensor technology”
Digital camera sensor sizes – selling elastic bands by the metre
When a sensor is advertised/sold as 1/2.3″ most people would think that is the diagonal of the sensor. Well it is NOT! It might even vary drastically between manufacturers.
For historical reasons the diameter of a fictitious Vidicon tube with the same active area is what is advertised!!
From http://www.dpreview.com/news/0210/02100402sensorsizes.asp
Unfortunately, it is even more confusing than that…
Continue reading “Digital camera sensor sizes – selling elastic bands by the metre”
I confess, I HAD an Iphone6- … Review
QWERTY for Iphone6
I have for 4½ months been using cheap bluetooth keyboards for an Ip6, And I really hate Ios !!! (see review)
At the least two versions are available through ebay, in the price range varying between £9-16 from different vendors.
Megapixel-craze and tiny sensors & lenses. Myths & Facts
This is an attempt to replace some of the common myths, urban legends and misunderstandings with some facts.
(last updated 20181103)
There are at least three physical issues and one biological that are interesting:
1) Rayleigh’s criterion and sensor width.
F * √N < W , (N number of sensors in Mpixels, W in mm, red light F numerical aperture)
2) The eye’s real life resolution
Resolution beyond 1/12000 of viewing distance is pointless for most
3) Thermal noise.
Relative noise increases by 1/d, (+)almost √n and √T, (N number of sensors in Mpixels, d sensor diameter, T in kelvin, i.e. °C+273.15)
4) Effective pixel count
The effective pixel count falls with the amount of light, the less the pixel size the worse.
5) Stacking images
Stacking can compensate, but can not perform miracles.
6) Thickness of device versus sensor size
The angle of light to the sensor edges binds max sensor size to thickness.
Continue reading “Megapixel-craze and tiny sensors & lenses. Myths & Facts”
Android, “Battery use”, more than meets the eye
The “Battery Use“-app is part of the OS, and is located
Settings > About phone > Battery use
First here is a collage of screen-dumps (click to view) from it (see comments towards the end)
Continue reading “Android, “Battery use”, more than meets the eye”
How to obtain good stamina on an Android phone
- This thread is general in nature, but based on my Xperia neo Pro.
- Xperia phones DO have good stamina if set up and used correctly
I can get 4½ days of stamina WITH 3G+WiFi+Virus Scanner ON - Set Brightness to 100%, and use widget “Brightness On/Off“,
Use On in direct sunlight only. - Set Screen time out to 30 sec.
- Use the app AdBlocker to block specific apps from data connection.
- Use the app WapDroid to only allow WiFi at specific geographical ‘points’. (By Cell-ID NOT gps)
- Have the phone at optimal position.
Place on the desk not in the pocket while working. - Exit apps if possible when you are finished.
- “Ads within Android apps found to consume 75% of the app’s power.”
- Avoid task-killers on the bloatware.
(The repeated killing and resurrection eats a lot of battery) - Avoid ‘clever’ battery-apps in the background doing more harm than good.
- Note that the percentages in Battery Use are based on estimates.
- Consider if you need background data traffic or not.
- The “Android System”-drainage bug!
- Finally I have a few tests , if the above did not do the trick.
On general battery info and hints see this
Continue reading “How to obtain good stamina on an Android phone”
Central entry point on batteries
(at least this is my intention on how it should end and be used)
It should give info about batteries, how the phone uses them, and (hopefully) with some good hints to how to get the most out of each battery (Life and Stamina). Many of the hints go for other hardware with Li-Ion batteries as well. Say Laptops, Toothbrushes…..
This thread is originated from SonyEricssons Xperia phones.
On problems with weird drops and raises: Try “Johan’s Trick” below once
The currently best advice I can give for the usage pattern is
● Try to charge fully and deplete to about 40-50%bc
● Once in a while drain battery deep to get calibration right
● Keep phone on desk/in bag, avoid pockets, to keep cool.
● Leave phone idle while charging (e.g. while sleeping).
Note that the ‘remaining percentage’ you see is an ESTIMATE not a measurement!